Sunday, January 26, 2020

Orphaned Children In Iran Young People Essay

Orphaned Children In Iran Young People Essay As in any society, in Iran, children are the most vulnerable members of society. It is the duty of a civil society to protect and nurture young life. Most societies do this through enforceable laws that are meant to set societal standards for the treatment of children, as well as provide enforcement measures when those societal standards are breached. These standards are usually conceived as rights. When a childs rights are abrogated, they are considered vulnerable to additional poor outcomes and social predations. (Hekmat, Community of supporting the orphaned children, 2007) Contrary to the common definition of the word orphan, Iranian orphans and street children are often not without living parents. The parents of many street children are drug addicts. Others are jobless immigrants or refugees, and still others give birth to numerous children simply to exploit them for work. (Reza Shajiee, Factors of Cognitive levels of career success among Orphaned Students in Mashhad, 2009) Definition of Orphan should be changed from not having parents or any guardian. We live in a world that children might be better off in the worst orphan housing than living at home. Parents working two shifts and even 3 shifts to survive are their children experiencing any care?! Talking about Iran not just those kids left without guardian and parents end up in the streets and being called orphans, but those who have proper parents they are asked to get out and leave school to help house expenses. (Reza Shajiee, Factors of Cognitive levels of career success among Orphaned Students in Mashhad, 2009) Just recently a mother interviewed from the city of Irak (very industrial and well being city close to Tehran). She said they both (father and her) were working and good job as highly technical work in factory but they had to send their 12 years boy to Tehran to work. Other report from the chief police authority in Tehran said that any kid not just girls but boys as well after they end up to streets after 48 hours become sexually abused. The mother knew all about the situation and sound very educated women and the father had very highly technical job in one of famous factory in Iran. As I said Orphan definition has changed from Charles Dickens time. We are facing completely with different situation and needs different solution. (Dr.Abdollah Shafi Abadi, Career Guiding and Counseling, 2009) The Situation of Orphaned Children in Iran and Their Career: Street children live in abandoned buildings, containers, automobiles, parks, or on the street itself. The children who sleep on cardboard on the sidewalks, in parks, or in vacant and dilapidated buildings are often considered luckier than those who remain at home with exploitative parents. ( Determining the numbers of street children and orphans in Iran is a virtual impossibility. Suffice it to say that they number in the thousands. In a 2005 report by the U.S. State Department, by the Iranian governments own admission, 60,000 street children were accounted for in Iran. Numerous child rights organizations suspect that the number is substantially higher, citing figures of 200,000 or more. Of this number, about 55 percent are the children of Afghan refugees. A majority of the remaining street children are the offspring of mixed-nationality families, single parents or gypsies. While statistics report between 25,000 and 30,000 children who are forced to live and work in the streets and sweatshops of the city, Tehran is not the only place where children suffer the indignities of homelessness. ( Abolghasem Akbari, Academic and Career Adjustment, 2007), (, ( Though a half a century has passed since Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the situation for the children of Iran has reached an unprecedented low. (Reza Nasseri, Farzaneh Taheri ,Theories of counseling and psychotherapy in Iran, 2008) Though Iran is sitting on the worlds second largest oil reserves, due to a fundamentally corrupt political and socio-economic system of government, it fails to provide the most essentials needs of children. Today, the term orphanage has negative connotations. Other alternative names are group home, childrens home, rehabilitation center and youth treatment center. (Dr.Rahmatollah Nouripoor, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 2007) Serving Charity is an international interfaith non-profit organization based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Its mission is to serve the poor through charity and selfless service. Mother Teresa of Calcutta is expressed to be the sole inspiration for the organization and all of its initiatives. Serving Charity was founded in 2003 by Abbas Jahangiri. He is also the current owner of the historical music venue el Mocambo and other companies. Serving Charity is entirely run by volunteers. It resides and is primarily supported by the revenue from the el Mocambo. The organization has charity projects in seven countries; Canada, India, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Germany, Iran, and Vietnam. (Dr.Shideh Abedi, Informed choice of job, 2008) In fact, in Iran there is not enough support for orphaned children. They dont have many facilities in their rooms. They may suffer from different diseases. Of course, it is the responsibility of the government to care about them; however, sometimes it becomes less serious than anything else. ( Abol-Hassan Faqih, head of the State Welfare Organization, stating that the bill would be reviewed adoption, he said: 20 thousands of orphaned children are now living in the country and about five thousands children who are qualified for giving to families are applying for. Faqih added: Seven thousand families are in turn for taking the children but due to legal problems annually to 800 children are given to these families. Welfare Organization Leader stating that the best place to serve the needy in society, said: Considering employment and housing comrade under the cover of the priorities of this organization. (, ( He added: If the land is supplied in the provinces and cities, there is no limit to the housing credit allocation comrade there. Welfare chief added: This year 12 thousand residential units with 500 billion rials for the disabled credit are made.He credits that the value of housing compared with last year is 10 times moreFaqih added: After this legislation in the past two years, 435 disabled with college education were employed in government departments countries. He expressed that in the first phase of justice; 963 thousand of stock Welfare families received justice, and said: In the second stage 400 to 500 thousand shares will receive justice. Leader pointed out that last years health insurance coverage was 100 percent comrade in the country, and said: This year complementary treatment for disabled insurance runs. Welfare chief declared: to prevent disability in the community, families with a disabled child are free to experiment for not witnessed the birth of another handicapped c hild. Community Leader announced of buying 160 babies hearing polls machines in the country, and said: Two years ago, only 16 machines in the country had eudiometry. Welfare chief added: 450 thousand disabled people in the country are waiting to receive services in turn in the organization. Scholar stating that a million and 50 thousand cases have been disabled in the country, he said: 600 thousand of them are covered by Social Welfare. (Reza Nasseri, Farzaneh Taheri ,Theories of counseling and psychotherapy in Iran, 2008) The Role of Government and Other Organizations in Giving Orphaned Children Job Opportunities: The government is trying to provide more opportunities for orphaned children to have jobs or work in different institutes. In fact, they start to have an experience of working in their home centre. Boys and girls are given choices according to their interests. Their field of teaching is not the same, and they are separate from each other. Boys can learn some careers such as Typesetting, carpenter, repairing vehicles, and so on. However, girls can work in another fields including:tailoring, cook, secretary, and so on. (Reza Shajiee, Factors of Cognitive levels of career success among Orphaned Students in Mashhad, 2009) In Iran, Childrens day is celebrated on October 8. In this celebration, children are allowed to display all the things that they have made themselves. By this way, they are encouraged to work harder and show their abilities to people. In this day, most of the people from different places come to visit orphaned children. Sometimes they spend more money for them to buy a souvenir from them. So this can be a way to earn money. (Dr.Rahmatollah Nouripoor, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 2007), (Dr.Rahmatolah Nouripoor, What Job is related to our Personalities? ,2008) Empowerment is not a program that happens in a moment and a specific time but is a process that happens during the time and continued to occur. Former Head of Office family issues says: to achieve empowerment we must move step by step to reach the desired result. (Reza Shajiee, Factors of Cognitive levels of career success among Orphaned Students in Mashhad, 2009) Hamid Reza Alvand emphasized that positive movements have done in the past years in enabling the children under the supervision of organization, he continues: In this regard, the Office Organization have emphasized on improving educational status of children, and was compiled in discussions based on the Quran and Islamic teachings, religious culture, and life skills education issues seriously. (Dr.Rahmatollah Nouripoor, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 2007), (Dr.Rahmatolah Nouripoor, What Job is related to our Personalities? ,2008) He refers to cooperative groups of children living in homes of children and adolescents and says: formation of cooperative groups and access to relatively stable employment of children, is the concerns and goals of organization offices in the provinces of the country and diligently follow the plan but the plan in this year is continued to implement by changing the look and format of the defined programs. ( Dr.Rahmatollah Nouripoor, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 2007), (Dr.Rahmatolah Nouripoor, What Job is related to our Personalities? ,2008) He also mentions this period, which children live under the supervision of organization, a Gold Period, because its a gold time that children can learn life skills for the continuing life. He emphasizes that it lasts very quickly, and children should spend their time on educational factories and some workshops. Alvand announced that learning one professional skill is one of the base programs of Empowerment Project under the supervision of childrens organizations, and says: This year, all children who are age 15 and older must have a form of professional skills and children who live at home and with Families also must be familiar with computer skill. (Dr.Rahmatollah Nouripoor, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 2007), (Dr.Rahmatolah Nouripoor, What Job is related to our Personalities? ,2008) He points out on other skills in childrens empowerment project, and says: All children residing in homes and centers for children and adolescents must exercise one of the basic disciplines (athletics, swimming and gymnastics) to learn. Alvand emphasizes that basic sports are very effective in developing the physical and mental health. He continues that by improving the level of physical and mental health can help children in entering to the community and cause empowerment of their social and individual interactions. It also can increase their self-confidence and safety against dangers or social damages. (Dr.Rahmatollah Nouripoor, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 2007), (Dr.Rahmatolah Nouripoor, What Job is related to our Personalities? ,2008) The third skill in empowerment of children in the organization is learning the second language. Alvand says: all the children here have to learn one of the international languages and it is going to be compulsory in the organization. The next thing is a powerful observation on childrens education. The aim is to increase their scientific and educational level of them and implement high academic qualifications. Of course all these skills can be gained through group working and the main goal of the organization is to make these children independent in the society. (Dr.Rahmatollah Nouripoor, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 2007), (Dr.Rahmatolah Nouripoor, What Job is related to our Personalities? ,2008) The former head of organization mentions that development in child care programs, decreasing the family centers, strengthening the Special Forces deployed in children and youth homes, consultations for adopting children and preparation of houses andwere the Programs in the current years agenda that will be the Office programs in the coming year too. (Dr.Rahmatollah Nouripoor, Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems, 2007), (Dr.Rahmatolah Nouripoor, What Job is related to our Personalities? ,2008) Currently 477 centers have circadian activity in the country. Alvand says: Of these, 350 centers are non-governmental and 127 are governmental Centre to be run. When we look carefully at this case we will only result in a conclusion that working in this place is by love and social welfare service to the community, especially orphaned children is the main target. In fact it shows the responsibilities and concerns of managers and employees in the organization. (,2933,107108,00.html), (Abolghasem Akbari, Academic and Career Adjustment, 2007) Children Welfare Organization is responsible for the later stages of children for material and spiritual support. For this purpose these are the supports from the organization: 1- Pay for professional training 2 Payment of capital and employment of children working 3 Payment of medical expenses 4 Providing living essentials 5 Providing housing allowance 6 Providing facilities for married girls 7 Support other unforeseen

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Essay on planning,preparing administering test Essay

Tests are formal assessment instruments that are used to judge student cognitive ability in an academic discipline as well as to gather information about students’ psychomotor performance. Tests usually consist of series of questions, statements, or tasks that are administered to a student or group of students. In order to develop a good assessment it requires proper planning, preparation and finally administration of the test. The development of a test that accurately measures student achievement requires careful planning. Planning for tests should start with an examination of student outcomes identified in the instructional objectives. An objective is a communication device that specifies the knowledge, skills, and attitude expected of students at the end of a lesson. Objectives also include 3 components- Conditions: identify what is available to students (resource material, circumstances etc.) .Performance: specify the desired measurable and observable student outcome (what the student will be able to do).Criteria: specify standards or proficiency for satisfactory performance. Develop test items-Test items are classified as objective or subjective. Objective test items (true or false, multiple –choice, matching, and completion) are easy to write and score and can sample large amount of content; however, they are limited to facts, encourage guessing and fail to measure higher levels of cognitive learning. Subjective test items allow students to express their thoughts and require demonstration of mastery of instructional objectives. Validity is the extent to which a test measures what it was intended to measure. Reliability provides an estimate of consistency of test results. All tests must be valid and reliable to accurately measure student achievement. Everything from student illness to testing environment can affect test validity and reliability. Planning test items-Test items should be assembled by type and increasing difficulty. Test items should also be checked for inconsistencies and follow a parallel format. Experienced test developers read the test for understanding and clarity prior to administration. Clear and concise test directions must be developed so students understand how, where, and when to provide responses. Administer Test-prior to administration, teachers should also consider the physical setting of the testing environment. Finally, teachers should also consider the psychological factors like anxiety and test pressure that affect students by explaining the reason for the test and adequately  preparing students for the test. Few points a teacher needs to keep in mind before administering test are-provide students with practice test items, indicate to students that you expect them to succeed on the test and that you are available to help them. Lastly discuss the parameters of the test. The entire procedure if followed by teachers and explained to students ahead in time, it is very much likely that the students will experience success. Thus, assessment should be an effort to move education forward and an exceptional tool that would give student an advantage in the classroom.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure

User – The User Domain is the critical backbone of our network and we must pay close attention to user activity and shape user behavior on our network. I list this as a high priority due to the fact that it is the one that will most likely open up threats on our network from file downloading and surfing the web. My proposal for a solution for this would be to restrict web browsing to only required users. This will allow us to focus our concentration on those users, monitoring for potential network vulnerabilities.I also suggest we implement a basic training course on the proper use of sensitive data and best common computer practices. Workstation – The Workstation Domain is where we can focus our energy on maintaining a clean network. We should do nightly anti-virus scans which will report any found issues back to the IT Department. This will then allow the IT Department to track down the user responsible for infecting the network and allow us to pursue corrective actio n. LAN – For the wired portion of our network, I propose a few solutions that will help secure our network.First we will need to ensure the safety of our equipment from tampering. We should have all switches and sensitive equipment (i. e. Servers and Network Attached Storage (NAS) Devices) in a room that is locked at all times. If available, we can use a card access system to monitor employees that gain access to this portion of our network. Wireless connections open our network to potential threats. We should do everything possible to limit the number of allowed wireless devices on our network. I suggest that we enforce a policy of a primary and secondary wireless network.This would allow us to give our employees the functions they need while maintaining a secure network. Our primary network will be secured with Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2 (WPA2) and the user of a complex passphrase to prevent brute force attacks. This section of our network will have a limited number o f users allowed, with each users activity being closely monitored. The second wireless network will be an isolated network which will allow all approved employees and clients to gain outside access on their mobile devices, without compromising our network.Another step would be to implement security on the network side by locking down each switch port to a specific mac address. This will help circumvent someone from removing the cable from a computer and plugging in another device. While this doesn’t completely eliminate threats of that kind, it will lessen the chance of having an unknowing user infect our network with a virus brought from another destination. LAN to WAN – The bridge between our outside network or WAN to the internal network should be monitored closely.As mentioned in the WAN section above, we should focus on restricting access to our network to help prevent unwanted attacks. I suggest that we implement a hardware firewall on our network. A hardware fir ewall will give our network a much needed layer of security against potential threats. WAN – For this domain I suggest that we implement Virtual Private Network (VPN) servers for any of our employees or clients that are trying to access our network remotely.We should also ensure that all unused ports on our network are blocked which would help limit attacks on our network. We should approach it from the stance of what we need, not what we do not need and start our outbound firewall with all ports closed. Only open the ports that are needed to have our network function. Remote Access – The Remote Access Domain should be monitored closely with each connection and activity extensively logged. Allowing access to our network from an outside source, opens up many possible threats to our network.I suggest that we create a separate server and network for our remote access, keeping it isolated from our primary network. We could implement server and storage mirroring for both ne tworks. This would allow employees to work on projects from a remote location, or clients see the progress of project and not put our network at risk. Systems/Applications – Since the system/ application domain consists of all of a business’s mission-critical systems, applications, and data it is important to ensure that this domain is secure at all times.Failure to do so will result in large amounts of sensitive information as well as the threat of having productions cease to function. Unauthorized physical access is gaining access to a physical entity without permission. This is potentially dangerous because if an individual were to gain such access they could destroy the systems and data within the systems. This threat is centered on access to such places as data centers with a great deal of sensitive information. To prevent unauthorized physical access policies, standards, procedures and guidelines must be followed.For example, all guests must be escorted by an emp loyee at all times. Staff should immediately report any suspicious activity and question persons that do not have an employee ID or badge visible. Data loss occurs when any stored data is destroyed. This is considered the greatest risk to the system/ application domain. To combat data loss, backups should occur regularly. The backups should be stored at an off- site location to allow full data recovery in the event of data loss.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Parenting Styles Offer Various Amounts Of Responsiveness

Parenting Styles Different parenting styles offer various amounts of responsiveness and demandingness to children. Baumrind (1991) identified that children need a balance of nurturance and limit-setting from their parents in their home environment, in order to positively influence self-regulation, social responsibility, competence, independence, resilience, individuality, high self-esteem, and internal control. The parenting style that sufficiently balances nurturance and limit-setting is authoritative (Baumrind, 1991; Hamon Schrodt, 2012; Maccoby, 1992). Authoritative parenting is the combination of parental demands and high responses of warmth (Awong, Grusec Sorenson, 2008; Baumrind, 1991; Darling, 1999; Maccoby, 1992). Authoritative†¦show more content†¦Parents in this environment may occasionally choose to use discipline; however discipline is not direct and may include guilt, ridicule, or threats of love withdrawal (Bayer Cegala, 1992; Moore, 1992). These parents are reluctant to face confrontation and often accept their children’s behaviors and impulses, not requiring their children to reach developmental maturation (Baumrind, 1991; Bayer Cegala, 1992; Darling, 1999; Buboltz, Griffith-Ross, Marsiglia Walczyk, 2007; Moore 1992). Due to the lack of parental monitoring and discipline, this environment may hinder a child’s ability to understand that their actions can lead to consequences for other individuals (Moore, 1992). At times this relationship can seem more like a friendship, rather than an adult-child relationship (Rowinski Wahler, 2010; Wahloer Williams, 2010). Authoritarian parenting includes strict parental demand, with very minimal to no parental support, or warmth (Awong, Grusec Sorenson, 2008; Baumrind, 1991; Darling, 1999; Baharudin Kordi, 2010; Hamon Schrodt, 2012; Buboltz, GriffithRoss, Marsiglia Walczyk, 2007; Moore, 1992). These parents often use coercion or force, in order to create submissive children, as the parent’s goal is to create prompt obedience from their children (Awong, Grusec Sorenson, 2008; Baumrind, 1991; Darling, 1999; Baharudin Kordi, 2010; Hamon Schrodt, 2012; Buboltz, GriffithRoss, Marsiglia Walczyk, 2007; Moore,